1. Field Shelters
Howling winds, heavy rain, even snow and ice - just some of the weather conditions that we experience through the Winter. These cold, wet months can certainly challenge even the most experienced horse owner, so what can you do to ensure your horse is kept happy and healthy during this period?

Ensuring your horse or pony has shelter in their paddock is definitely a top priority!
Whether you choose to winter your horse outside 100% of the time, rug or don't rug or you choose to turn out during the day and bring in at night, shelter is a very important part of maintaining your horse’s condition.
Here at Ruby, we do a range of Field Shelters and Stables with a variety of sizes and configurations to suit. This means whether you have just one Shetland or a herd of Shire Horses, there's a solution to suit!

An example of one of our 3.8m x 10.8m Field Shelters
Strong Framing using pre-treated 100 x 47mm Bracing with 150mm Featheredge Cladding ensure protection from all weather conditions keeping your horses and ponies dry and out of the wind and wet.

Interior of a Ruby Field Shelter
The above shows the interior of our Field shelter with 4x1 Bracing providing the framework for the Featheredge Cladding Panels. The photograph also shows the all weather galvanised Roof.

In or Out? Wet or Dry - It's Your Pony's choice!
We know some hairy native breeds love nothing more than being outside and are tough enough to cope with wintery conditions. However, there are times when even the most hardy ponies will seek shelter from torrential downpours and stormy conditions.

Looking from Inside, Out with Skids showing
Another option for you the owner is to add Skids to your Field Shelter kit to make this mobile, enabling you to reposition in your field when required and in some cases to alleviate the need for planning (check your local planning authority for up-to-to-date information).

Corropol Lightweight Clear Sheets offer Roof Lighting
The roof of our Field Shelters are supplied with 0.7mm Corrugated Galvanised roofs and if you need extra lights, we can supply Corropol lightweight PVC clear sheets.

Ruby Field Shelter with Half Height Partition Wall
Other items you can add as optional extras to your kit include Half Height and Full Height Internal Partitioning Walls, Chew Strips and Gable Air Vents. The choice is yours to customise your shelter the way you want!
2. Stables
Nearly every horse owner will need stabling at sometime for their equines. As an option to bring in, groom off, overnight, shade or for veterinary purposes, a stable is often a must.' Here at Ruby we have an excellent value for money range of Stabling that comes in Kit form and so is easy and quick to erect.

Horse or Pony - we have a size to suit!
Our range of stables come in a variety of sizes all 3.8m deep by various widths. You can choose to have them in whatever configuration you wish and to suit the space you need.

Ruby Double Stables 3.8m Deep x 7.2m Wide
Warm, Dry, Happy and Hay - what more could your horse want!
You need your stables to be long-lasting and big enough to be of comfort for your horse. The British Horse Society have an excellent safety guide on Stable Safety
Stable utilised as a Feed-store or Tack-room
It's often extremely convenient to have a feed room / tack store next to your stables. No-one wants to be having to cross the yard in all weathers to access tack and feed. It's much handier to have it next door! See our
Stable Full Doors for further details.
So to keep your equine friend warm, safe and comfortable this Winter, see the pages on our website for more information: Field Shelters and Stables Section or get in touch with us for a bespoke quotation at sales@ruby-group.co.uk.