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Measuring for Gates

Measuring for Gates

Measuring for Gates

Measuring for Gates

Planed 5 Bar Gate | Pressure Treated Timber Scandinavian Redwood

When considering a new gate of any kind it’s essential to make sure you’re measuring correctly, and preparing for the style that you wish to achieve. Whilst it may seem simple, there are many different factors that affect the size of your gate, and it’s important to get this right from the start, to avoid confusion and problems down the road.

When measuring for gates to fit between existing posts, be sure to take the minimum measurement, whether this be from the top, middle or bottom.

It’s very important to first think about your style of gate before measuring, whether that be 5 bar gates, side gates, or entrance gates, each style requires it’s own rules for measurements, which are all handily explained below.

Farm/ 5 bar style gates

With farm / 5 bar style gates it’s imperative to think about where you’d like them to be hung, and whether you’re going for a single or a double gate.

Hanging gates on the rear/front of posts can be an attractive option as you can make the usable space between posts much larger (hinges will typically take up 100mm per side when hung between the posts). That being said, with this method of fitting, you'll only be able to swing the gate one way, rather than both as you get when fitting them between the posts.

Hardwood Curved Heel Gates | Field Or Entrance Gates | Fast & Free Delivery

Single 5 Bar Gates

In front/behind posts

When hanging a single 5 bar gate in front/ behind your posts, we’d recommend ensuring that the gate is 50mm wider than the space between the posts. This allows the gate to overlap each post by 25mm, which is perfect for use with the 24” adjustable hinge sets, and the self locking latch.

Diagram of Driveway Gate Fitting

Example - If your posts are set 3600mm apart, you'll require a gate at 3650mm wide to make the necessary allowances

Between posts

When going between posts we’d recommend making your gate 195mm narrower than the gap between your posts, this will allow enough room for your hinges, along with a central spring latch

It’s important to remember that should you be using a hook on plate style hinge, 25mm should be added to this allowance to make up for the extra allowance required.

Diagram of 5 Bar Gate Fitting

Example - If your posts are set 3600mm apart, you'll require a gate at 3405mm wide to make the necessary allowances

Double 5 Bar Gates

Infront/behind posts

With a pair of gates hung behind, or in front of your posts, we’d recommend going for gates that cover 36mm more than the distance between your posts. This will allow a 25mm overlap on either side, with a 14mm gap between them.

Diagram of Fitting Field gate

Example - If your posts are set 3600mm apart, you'll require two gates at 1818mm wide to make the necessary allowances

Between posts

A pair of gates hung between the posts should measure 215mm less than the gap between your posts. This allows for 100mm each side for your hinges, and a 15mm gap between the gates in the middle. 

It’s important to remember that should you be using a hook on plate style hinge, 50mm should be added to this allowance.

Diagram of Fitting Field Gate

Example - If your posts are set 3600mm apart, you'll require two gates at 1692mm wide to make the necessary allowances

Driveway Gates

Driveway gates are a little easier to work out as they will always close between the gate posts, whether this be with the adjustable bands and hooks mounted on the rear, or front of the post. 

Hardwood Iroko Cottage Style Entrance Gates | Handmade Modern Gates | Fast & Free Delivery

Double gates

For this reason you’ll need an allowance of 60mm overall for a pair of driveway gates, this allows for 25mm each side for hinges and a 10mm gap between the two gates in the middle. This can be covered with our closing strip.

Diagram of fitting driveway gates

Example - If your posts are set 3600mm apart, you'll require two gates at 1770mm wide to make the necessary allowances

Driveway side gate/ pedestrian gates

Pedestrian/ side gate require just a 30mm overall allowance due to the fact that it’s just a single gate. This will leave 20mm for the hinges, and then a 10mm gap for the latch. 

 Diagram of Single Driveway gate

Example - If your posts are set 1800mm apart, you'll require a gate at 1770mm wide to make the necessary allowances.


Following this guide will allow you to work out all of the correct measurements for your new driveway / Field gate. However,  Should you find yourself still stuck with what size to go for, please contact a member of our team via our live chat, email or via the telephone and we will be more than happy to assist. Learn how to install and maintain your driveway gates within this blog here.


Ruby UK is the No.1 store for Driveway and Field gates, delivered to your door within 3-7 working days, which is un matched in our sector. We also pressure treat all of our softwood timbers, to ensure your gate stands the test of time. 97% of our customers would order again, so dont miss out and order yours today! 

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